Sit and Wait Surgery
Due to increasing and sometimes overwhelming demand for our daily Sit and Wait Surgery, we may need to limit the number of patients we are able to see. If the surgery is full, the receptionist will help you make other arrangements.
Thank you for your understanding.
Due to the new General Data Protection Regulations, from July 1st 2018 the following procedures will be in place:
- If someone is collecting any prescription on your behalf, they need to have your consent and produce photo ID. Please ask at reception for a consent card.
- Patients collecting prescriptions for controlled drugs (for example Zomorph and Tramadol) will need to produce photo ID.
The receptionists will need to record in your notes that they have seen ID and consent.
Thank you for your co-operation as we implement this change.
We are able to send prescriptions directly to your chosen pharmacy electronically, so please let us know if you wish to nominate a pharmacy. This will save you having to come into the surgery to collect your prescription.
We are now able to offer patients GP and Nurse appointments outside of normal surgery times. These appointments are only bookable through your own GP practice and are available at The Weymouth Urgent Care Centre weekday evenings between 6.30 and 8.00 pm and at weekends.
Extended hours appointments are now available Monday and Thursday 18.30 - 20.30pm with our GP Dr Steve Wood.
These clinics will be held at The Urgent Care Centre, please ring your usual surgery to book in. The Nurse Practitioners and Practice Nurses have later appointments also on Mondays and Wednesdays at The Bridges and Littlemoor.
Patient Decision Aid - Total Knee Replacement Surgery
Knee replacement surgery is usually necessary when the knee joint is worn or damaged to the extent that your mobility is reduced and you experience pain even while resting.
Adults of any age can considered for a knee replacement, although most are carried out on people between the ages of 60 and 80.
NHS Dorset Clinial Commissioning Group has been developing a new patient decision aid for total knee replacements over the last year. The decision aid provides information on:
- When it would be of benefit to have a total knee replacement;
- Steps to take prior to knee replacement surgery;
- Exploration of some possible preconceptions about knee replacement surgery;
- What to expect at the time of and after knee replacement.
The decision aid consists of a video and a series of questions to enale you to make a decision as to whether total knee replacement surgery is the best option for you.
Register online with your email address to view the video. Allow 40 minutes. You may watch the videos and complete the questions with a friend or relative.
Online Course - Dementia Care: Staying Connected and Living Well
A course for carers, to help you stay conected to loved ones, manage stress at home and difuse difficult situations.
If you are a carer for someone who is living with dementia then this is a course for you.
Please click on the link to take you to the website
My life - My care
Information and advice about care and support for adults in Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole.
If you find it difficult to live safely and independently in your home, you can find help here. Our solutions offer information and advice to help you make informed choices about living the life you want. Please click on the link for more information
Finger food without the fear!
The main food culprits and a few things to remember when preparing and giving food to babies and young children. Please click on the link for more information.
Cold Weather Keep Warm Keep Well
Winter is now here and already we have experienced some very cold weather. The goverment has issued a very informative booklet. The booklet aims to help you maintain good health during winter and take advantage of the financial help and benefits available. Please click on the link below to view the booklet.
Community Urgent Care Centre
The Weymouth and Portland Community Urgent Care Centre (CUCC) will open its doors on 1st July, replacing the existing Minor Injuries Unit and Walk-in Centre at Weymouth Community Hospital.
Open from 8am to 11pm, seven days a week, the centre aims to bring care closer to home, reducing the need for trips to Dorset County Hospital and offering a more efficient, joined up service for patients.
The centre will be located in the same part of the hospital, in Melcombe Avenue, as the existing MIU and Walk-in Centre, and offer seven day X-ray facilities. It will provide treatment for problems such as:
sprains and broken bones
minor burns, cuts, animal bites and infected wounds
chest infections and asthma attacks
bladder and kidney infections
The CUCC will not be a substitute for GP treatment. You will be referred to your GP or community pharmacy if the problem is not urgent. However, if you do need urgent treatment between the hours of 8am and 11pm, the centre will be the place to go.
We are improving how we communicate with patients.
Please tell us if you need information in a different format or communication support.
Know Your Pulse 

Why and when to check your pulse? What is a normal pulse? When should you seek further advice?
Click on the link below for some useful information.
Protecting your baby against meningitis and septicaemia
From September 2015 babies will be offered the MenB vaccine with the other routine vaccinations at two months, four months and 12 months of age.
As fever is more common with this vaccination, Paracetamol may be provided.
The Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology have set up a cycling group.
Please click on the link for more information
Changed your mobile number recently?
Please let us know if you have changed your contact details including your mobile number. There is a link on this page below which will take you directly to a form for you to do this. Thank you.
Telephone Number Withheld
Please can all of our patients be aware that In order to protect patient's confidentiality, all of our telephone numbers are withheld. This also means that if you have a call barring system in place for withheld numbers we will not be able to contact you. If this affects you could you please inform the receptionist who will ensure that this is noted in your records. We will then make alternative arrangements should we need to telephone you at home.